May 2019

Cruise Industry Creates Over 12,500 Jobs in the Baltic Region

More people than ever before are cruising in the Baltic Sea, and that is showing on the positive economic impact in the region. According to a new Economic Impact Study, the cruise industry generated a total output of EUR 1.5 billion in 2018, which supported exactly 12,595 total jobs in the Baltic region. Of the EUR 1.5 billion, EUR 681…

Friend of the Sea Certifies Moroccan Cibel Sustainable Fishmeal and Fish Oil

One of the leading canned sardines and mackerel producers and exporters in Morocco, which has been Friend of the Sea-sustainable since 2012, Cibel has now obtained Friend of the Sea international sustainability certification for its fishmeal and fish oil production. Cibel is the acronym for Complexe Industriel Bel Hassan, a high-tech center for seafood, fishmeal, and fish oil production. It…