International Council on Clean Transportation

Stretching Green Possibilities for Shipping Fuels

Wider use of LNG will speed up transition, but it can’t end there. In this decade, we’ll see more accelerated change in shipping fuels than we’ve seen in the last century. What does this heightened diversity mean for shipowners? They must be nimbler than ever – a shift that requires work. It means “greening” supply chains, bolstering energy efficiency, nurturing more…

What is LNG?

Natural gas, which took over millions of years of transformation of organic materials, such as plankton and algae, is made up of about 95% Methane, which is the cleanest fossil fuel. The combustion of natural gas mainly emits water vapor and tiny amounts of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).  Its CO2 emissions are 30%-50% lower than those produced by other combustible fuels, according…