Poseidon Principles

Leading Shipping Banks and Marine Insurers Pave the Way For 1.5C-Aligned Emissions Benchmarking

30 shipping banks and 17 marine insurance providers and brokers announce today the Poseidon Principles will add additional trajectories to report climate alignment with a 1.5C future. This new commitment will align the Poseidon Principles with the ambition of the UN and the latest available climate science. The Poseidon Principles have committed to adopting an emissions reduction trajectory in line…

The Poseidon Principles

The Poseidon Principles establish a framework for assessing and disclosing the climate alignment of ship finance portfolios. They set a benchmark for what it means to be a responsible bank in the maritime sector and provide actionable guidance on how to achieve this. The Poseidon Principles are consistent with the policies and ambitions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), including…