Renaming of U.S Pacific Command to Indo-Pacific Command Makes Sense

Last May, Secretary of Defense James Mattis retitled Pacific Command (PACOM), the largest of the six U.S. unified combatant command to United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM). The area of responsibility remains unchanged for the former PACOM. The decision to retitle is in alignment with the increasing connectivity between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Moreover, the retitling is fitting in the…

The US and North Korea: Peace in the Asia-Pacific?

During the past two weeks, events on the international scene particularly within the Asia-Pacific arena, provided an uncanny (but welcome) reprise of FVR’s younger days, which led this columnist to ask, “Does history really repeat itself?” In answer, allow us to share with our readers some personal landmarks along life’s journey. Indeed, history does in this particular episode, but hopefully,…